Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fabulous Fall Fun-Filled Weekend

Do you like the alliteration in my title? Remember, I am a third grade teacher...and I'm teaching figurative language this week so it's on the brain.

Here is my weekend in pictures:

Trunk-or-Treat at school with Allyson.
Marcus Lattimore and Alshon Jeffrey.
Friday night fire-pit/homemade venison chili at Megan's
Ready to watch the game with Lucy in our matching jersies

touchdown kisses.

i could eat her up.
seriously? so cute.

halftime playdate with uncle andy and cousin birdie.

Birdie's ready to cheer on the Georgia Tech yellow jackets (they were playing clemson)
Mom with her trunk for trunk-or-treat at church.

a very excited sock monkey.

and she's off!

so stinkin' cute!

that's a good-lookin' family right there.

can i please have one more piece of candy? look how cute i am!

ava (friend katie's niece) not too thrilled with her elmo costume. haha

the monkey on the left is cuter.


  1. love the sock money costume-- that is adorable!!

  2. sock monkey=cuttttee! I was secretly jealous of all the fun family Halloween events going on...can't wait to get myself some kids (well besides my students)...haha
